
The famous investigative documentary series are the trademark of Insider. In these series, the journalists of Insider TV, led by Brankica Stankovic, reveal various anomalies of the society, primarily the ones regarding crime and corruption. During 17 years of work, over 300 shows were produced, which uncovered over 1000 pieces of evidence of corruption, abuse of government institutions, crimes committed by the security services, assassination of the Prime Minister of Serbia, hooligans, crimes committed by extremist groups, football, judicial and construction mafia. Insider series justify the slogan “there are boundaries that are not to be crosse, that’s where Insider begins“.


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20202 episodes

Controlled media and uninformed citizens make it easier to govern.Economically blackmailed, and politically potentially powerful, they often make interest groups. For the same reasons, they often switch sides and easily take up the role of mouthpieces destroying anyone who becomes...



The privatisation of PKB — at one time a European agricultural powerhouse — came to completion inthe second half of 2018 with the sale of the company’s assets. After privatising PKB, the Arab company Al Dahra came to own around...

Scam of the century

20114 episodes

Series of four episodes discovered one of the biggest embezzlements taking place in the coalmine Kolubara, a part of Serbian largest public Energy Enterprise - EPS. Crucial evidence was shown, responsible officials from coal mine and representatives from competent state...

(Im)potent state

20093 episodes

Series of three episodes on the football hooligans in which we presented who are they, in what processes are they involved and who is protecting them. After broadcasts few hooligans were arrested, but not for the many crimes presented in...

Abuse of Office

20097 episodes

In this series we discovered how abuse of city and state institutions brought decrees and laws suited only for certain business elites, how state and city budgets were ruined and how these actions led ‘construction mafia’ to flourish. Many evidence...

The Rules of the Game

20085 episodes

Series of six episodes described in full how football mafia operates, how state budget was ripped of, how club managers and politicians were involved, how ordinary criminals became football managers and how it is possible to have two different contracts...