The Balkan coronavirus diary: Socio-political issues that have emerged or intensified during COVID-19 in the Western Balkans
COVID-19 has been the most frequent word on the whole globe in the past several months. The pandemic has made the world united around a joint problem with which, almost everybody (ironically) dealt from a separate room. Pulled through litmus paper, the world showed all its known and unknown weaknesses, sometimes less and sometimes more evident. Solidarity and empathy went through different phases and seemed to be forgotten as the attempts of derogating the basic democratic values prevailed. The discussion on the topic of numerous violations of rule of law and human rights, corruption, and other abuses for the purpose of preserving power and growing authoritarianism, have been left for later. However, ‘the later time’ has already come, and we must remember and memorize all the wrongdoings as to heal on time not only from the disastrous consequences of the virus, but also from the devastating consequences of undemocratic management of the crisis and the states.
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